I did 9 miles this morning.
I say "did" because I admit, I walked a bit. I blame the two glasses (over the course of 4 hours) of wine out of a box I drank last night that gave me an all-nighter headache complete with weird back-of-eyeball pain, even though I drank a ton of water and got a full night of sleep. Note to self: don't drink wine out of a box any more, it can't be trusted.
The farther I get in my training, the more I'm trying to run all of my runs, with no walking. Because as Hal Higdon (marathon book author) says (paraphrased), "it's more satisfying to say that you've run a marathon instead of done a marathon." So I'm trying.
These recent runs are getting so very long. And boring. It's not even poetic or fun or inspirational any more, it's just like, okay, let's crank this out so I can come home and watch a Downton Abbey and eat Christmas cookies.
But I'm still running. Not getting hit by cars. Working through hip pain and apathy and lack of motivation and nausea (Jelly Belly's "Sport Beans" were a bad time). I have pepper spray now.
I guess those are all the updates. I'm feeling a little blah about the whole thing right now, to be honest. A bright spot is that I'm going to start using my new shoes this week. Hey-ooooo!
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