Thursday, February 14, 2013

This just in: Humans can survive without meat or bread or eggs or granola bars.

Half-way there. Today is Day Five of the Detox. I have mixed emotions.

I'm tired, very low-energy. But that makes sense because each day I've only been eating 700-800 calories, with half of that coming from apple juice.

Here are some pictures (I tried to rotate them, I don't know what I did wrong but I can't figure out out, so you'll have to use your Taco Neck on some of them. Or we can call them "artsy".... I am not a photographer, I just have an iPhone):

Breakfast Day 1: Quinoa with prunes and pear nectar, grapefruit juice, and "Alkaline Broth" (read: chug it down as fast as you can so you don't vomit). Only half of that apple is mine. Not pictured: one tbsp of pure flax seed oil (yuck.).

Here we have broccoli, green beans, and swiss chard. Lunch each day is some kind of steamed veggie....

And so is dinner! That thing by the knife is fennel bulb - pretty yummy! Also, rarely we get plain rice crackers and ooooh my gosh 3 plain rice crackers are so deliciously amazing when you haven't had anything but vegetables for two days. Also, we get to eat the vegetables IN the Alkaline Broth, and beet juice.
I baked this steamy beet in the oven. It was so steamy. And the size of your baby's head.

This is corn and potato chowder (with chicken broth as an ingredient, OMG SALT). And carrot juice. That white thing on the bottom is celery root, and so far, it's my favorite weird vegetable. I highly recommend it.
Banana in amaranth cereal with rice milk. Yum.

More Alkaline Soup (yaaaaay), celery and zucchini juice, and Fennel Au Gratin.  FYI Fennel bulb cooked in chicken broth, then topped with olive oil and spelt bread crumbs almost tastes like chicken. But doesn't actually taste like chicken.
We are feeling, um, okay. Mostly good. Surprisingly not hungry. And I used to get hungry like NOW. Like one minute I would be fine, and the next I would be HUNGRY like feed me now or someone dies. But the hunger on this diet has come on more gradually, and it's not uncomfortable or urgent, and that is so nice.

I am down four pounds. But I'm not delusional, that's probably mostly water weight and because I haven't eaten anything but fruits and veggies for 4 days. I know that probably won't stay if I eat normally again. But weight loss isn't the point of all this anyway.

My favorite part has been the breakfasts. The food is tasty and I have loved getting up early to make breakfast, and then Thomas and I eating it together. We have never gotten up at the same time in the morning, let alone eat breakfast together. It's real domestic and nice-feeling.

Not much else to say for now. I can't make a judgement yet. I know I feel better eating like this than the way we were. This is a lot of work though, and there has to be a happy medium between eating food that's diverse and good for you, and spending 4 hours a day prepping food and cleaning the kitchen to get ready for the next meal. That's what we hope to find. A healthy diet that fits with a normal life.

1 comment:

ju pereira said...

wow!!!!!!!!!! just wow!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wish i had in me to do the same!!!!!!!