Monday, October 8, 2012

Back in Action!

Once upon a time, I had a blog. It was a lovely blog. It had a whimsical theme with its own domain name, I spent hours and days and nights learning WordPress so I could make my blog just how I wanted. It screamed "ME!". I blogged my life - some major stuff (quit my job and moved to Brazil for 3 months with Thomas). Then I didn't log in for like, 9 months. To make a long story short, I recently logged in, just to say "Hi" to my blog, did a WordPress update, and then my blog was ruined. The end.

So because I can't speak computer code well enough to fix my blog, I'm starting over. In more ways than one. I'm not the girl who went to Brazil anymore. I'm a new me, with a new outlook and spirit.

While I was on the edge of my seat wondering if my blog could be saved, I was doing some blogging anyway. So the next few posts will be to catch up. Get everyone up to speed, while I learn how to sweet-talk Blogger. Glad you're here.

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